Outdoor advertising is the only media that can reach mass audiences while most forms of traditional advertising struggle in today’s audience-fragmented environment. It can not be blocked, skipped, or viewed by bots. It is always on. 24/7/365.
Outdoor advertising is the only media that doesn’t invade private space, thus making it viewed positively. In addition, it is closest — among traditional media — to the point of sale, which makes it indispensable for navigation purposes and geotargeting.
Outdoor advertising is the most spectacular advertising media. It’s like a magnifier for your product or service. It automatically gives the advertising message its attributes — scale and visual appeal and, as a result, makes it convincing. It is so much easier to make a stunning impression with outdoor advertising!
Visual story (eye catching creative, solid storytelling) is easy to read from out of home. Thanks to inherent wholeness, outdoor creative ensures one of the industry’s best brand recall and ad recall figures.
Today’s consumers are increasingly mobile — 70% of their waking hours are spent away from home. Outdoor advertising reaches them 24/7.
It is the only medium capable of reaching increasingly evasive audience: people, who don’t watch TV, don’t read the newspapers and selective with their Internet consumption.
Consider targeting your — in other ways uncatchable — audience with outdoor advertising. It’s easier than you think.
Outdoor advertising is one of the most cost effective media in terms of CPM. Radio advertising, outdoor’s closest competitor in Ukraine, has low CPM too, but it lacks the broad reach outdoor advertising ensures.
Advertising outdoors is simpler than in other media. Outdoor creative needs an idea, a composition and the right choice of font type and size. Got an idea? Get a PC, make a poster — and you’ll get consumer’s attention.